Tag Archives: Spell-check

Can Spell Check Make Things Worse? The Most Misspelled Words (via Dr. Diane Hamilton’s Blog )

I will be honest with you, my spelling & grammar are terrible and I use spell checkers and the thesaurus all the time. You also have to be very careful as the spell checker checks spelling, but not if the word is the right one – You can have the wrong word, but the right spelling.

A great article was on another blog with a bunch of suggestions that really make sense and I think everyone one can use. I will be taking this to my kids as I believe it will help them as well.

Can Spell Check Make Things Worse? The Most Misspelled Words Today's Ask Dr. Diane:  What are some of the mostly commonly misspelled words? I post a lot of information about spelling and grammar for my students.  There are certain words that many people tend to misspell.  For a list of the top 100 misspelled words, click here.  I often ask students to quiz their family and friends to see how they do with some of the more commonly misspelled words . . . For fun, ask people to spell the following words that … Read More

via Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

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