Tag Archives: LinkedIn

NEW GEN Job Seekers – What they expect!

How things change and quickly – We really need to make sure we are teaching some real life expectations – kids are going to be shocked when they get out in the work force – They can’t install any software, can’t read Hotmail or Gmail, can’t get on their favorite web site like Facebook, Twitter and the list continues……

Many claim that millennials have entitlement issues.  Six Minutes did a nice job on a piece they did title: The Millennials Are Coming.  In that article they stated: You now have a generation coming into the workplace that has grown up with the expectation that they will automatically win, and they’ll always be rewarded, even for just showing up.  

In another interesting article by ere.net, the following questions were actually asked by millennials in job interviews.  

  • If I don’t like my boss, how can I get that changed?
  • How many hours per day will I be expected to work?
  • Do you allow the use of Facebook?
  • If I don’t like my pay, who do I talk to about fixing that?
  • If we do reading for the job, can we do it at the gym during work hours?
  • Who will be my mentor and coach while I’m learning my new job?
  • What does the company do to make work fun?

I can see where this is coming from, but it’s hard to believe these expectation would be asked in an interview…..

ENTIRE ARTICLE – Millennial Job-Seekers Have Unique Expectations

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